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Multiple catering options are available for the athletes and the spectators during the regatta.

In addition, the Duisburg Rowing Club provides barbecue, beverages as well as pasta and cakes in front of the grandstand.

Details for the respective lunch offers will be published prior to the regatta.


  • Athletes' catering

    The International Wedau Regatta organizes a balanced catering offer in collaboration with our long-term catering partners. Detailed information on the concretes offers and the pricing will be published prior to the regatta.

  • Mediterranean Restaurant "Die Insel"

    The mediterranean restaurant "Die Insel" is located within the Duisburg Rowing club directly next to the grandstand and provides a terrace with a view on the last 200 meters of the racing course. During regattas, a dedicated lunch offer for the competitors of the International Wedau Regatta will be provided.

    Web Site
  • Restaurant "Am Bertasee"

    The restaurant "Am Bertasee" is located within the Duisburg Swimming Club and is located directly next to the grandstand providing a terrace with view on lake Berta connecting the finish area with the side channel. During regattas, a dedicated lunch offer for the competitors of the International Wedau Regatta will be provided.

    Web Site
  • Mezzomar Duisburg

    The Mezzomar Duisburg is located directly at lake Berta connecting the finish area with the side channel and provides italian meals with a large terrace providing view on lake Berta. A dedicated catering offer for the competitors of the International Wedau Regatta will not be provided.

    Web Site